7-14-21 Day Quit Smoking Retreats on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
Most of our guests have tried multiple ways to quit smoking.
Have you tried: “Cold Turkey”, gradually decreasing the number of cigarettes, Nicorette Gum, Champix, Laser Therapy, Acupuncture, Hypnotherapy, reading books about How to Quit Smoking, attending a Quit Smoking Workshop… and it did not work?
If You Crave more Health and a Smoke-Free Life, Our Quit Smoking Retreat Is For You
Stop the frustration and be finally successful at stopping smoking for good.

Quitting smoking is one of the most significant ways to improve your life. Having a thriving business or a successful career is great, but what’s the point if your health is deteriorating? When you do well, your business and your job do well.
Since 2005, we’ve helped hundreds of guests who decided to COMMIT and follow the time-tested process. We are here to guide you in your journey to freedom from the habit that you have outgrown. The Fresh Start program will help your body and soul start recovering from the damage smoking has done to them.
Check out the story below about a Fresh Start guest who got tired of patches and was able to quit smoking and claim back his health.
A Guest Story
I kept waiting for these pangs and painful withdrawals to occur but they never really did!
“As difficult as it was for me before I arrived, I really tried to mentally prepare that I just want these things out of my life. And so I tapered down as much as I could, but I do believe that helped but when I got here, I had had my last ceremonial smoke mindfully, when I had the last one, I smelled it and tasted it and just recognized how nasty it really was to get that in my head. But once I arrived here, the healthy food that I was eating and the vitamins that were with the meals, I kept waiting for these pangs and that painful withdrawal thing to occur… OK, is it going to happen today… and it never really did. I was conscious that wow I’m quitting smoking, and I’m OK, I can do this.”
A Guest Story
Mandeep, BC, Canada
“Being a smoker for 20+ years, you’re almost terrified, scared of what it’s going to be like to wanting to quit; the cravings, the withdrawals. I tried to quit before, I know what the cravings are like. I realized now that coming to the program at Fresh Start, I was stunned that I could go from 35-40 cigarettes a day, to zero. Truthfully tell you, I didn’t feel cravings. I’m sure that it has a lot to do with the fact that you’re detoxing in every way (lungs, liver, kidneys). All the different, specific protocols are set up exactly for you.”
Here Is How You Will Quit Smoking Successfully

We will use effective tools for curbing or eliminating the withdrawals
The withdrawal may scare the most strong-hearted, especially if you smoked most of your life.
Using advanced whole-body detoxification, enhanced hydration, and a specially designed cleansing and alkalizing diet that does not contain stimulants and unhealthy substances, such as coffee and alcohol, we’ll ensure that nicotine leaves your system as quickly as possible. This will greatly shorten withdrawal and decrease its intensity.
In addition, guided meditation, yoga, and sleep-enhancing tea will help with calm your nervous system.
Some of the symptoms that you may be able to avoid or minimize:
Understand the “Physical” part of quitting smoking
It is not enough to quit smoking. You need to ensure that the toxins leave your system as fast as possible. Allen Car, who wrote the famous book “EasyWay to Stop Smoking” and taught thousands of people how to quit smoking successfully, died from lung cancer. He quit at the age of 42, after 30 years of smoking, and died at the age of 72, 30 years after quitting smoking.
The most important risk post-smoking is lung cancer. This is because when the body grows new lung tissue, it covers the old toxic tissues formed during the time of smoking.
In order to dispose of chemicals safely, we will:


Increase Your Lung Capacity
Post-smoking life is not a lot of fun when you cannot take a deep breath.
Deep lung restoration therapies will assist you to start your new life page healthfully.
In order to restore your lungs, you’ll be doing:
Address Root Causes of Addiction
Smoking can become a sinkhole for money and all kinds of problems if you don’t find a way to stop the crime.
Understand triggers and your smoking patterns.
When at the retreat, you will be able to:

Disclaimer: Your quit smoking plan is individualized and tailored to your individual needs. Some therapies described above may not be included if you do not need them or if they do not fit the budget allotted.

Replace unhealthy habits with wholesome ones
Quitting is one part, but after you let go of your “old friend” who went with you all the places, you need to replace it with new interests and healthy “friends”.
It’s time to fill your toolbox with fresh ideas and new practical skills.
During the program, you’ll learn how to:
Here’s What You’ll Get At The Fresh Start Quit Smoking Retreat
Whether you simply need time away from home or aim to address concurrent emotional or physical issues, the Fresh Start Quit Smoking Retreats will provide you with the support and tools needed to achieve optimum results.
A Guest Story From Our Quit Smoking Retreats
April, North Carolina, USA
“The Digestive Issues were always a problem when I quit…Because of the way the food was here and the digestive protocol, I did not have the acids, and did not want to eat, eat, eat to put out that fire.”
A Guest Story
April, North Carolina, USA
“The Digestive Issues were always a problem when I quit…Because of the way the food was here and the digestive protocol, I did not have the acids, and did not want to eat, eat, eat to put out that fire.”