Project Description
Debbie, BC, Canada
“I was so upset with myself for smoking. Because I’m like, okay, I’m not going to smoke today. That’s it, I’m not, I’m done. That’s it, I’m finished. That’s it. And then next thing I know, nope, I’m at home just doing the same old thing all over again. And then the next day, complete cycle again. Just having a complete break from life, being here, and working specifically on quitting smoking through emotional healing and through nutrition made a huge difference. My mind feels clear. My eyes feel clearer. My body feels lighter. Emotionally, I’ve let a lot of stuff go. And just overall aches and pains are much better.”
Length of Smoking: 15 yrs.
Amount Smoked Per Day: 10-20 cigs
Improvements with: Arthritis, Boating/ Indigestion, Body Image/ Self-Worth Issues, Breathing/ Lung Issues, Difficulty Walking/ Flexibility, Digestive Health, Hair, Skin and Nails, Acid Reflux/ Heartburn, Insomnia/ Sleep Issues, Low Energy/ Chronic Fatigue, Mental Clarity, Muscle and Joint Issues, Nausea, Post-Smoking Lung Healing, Quit Smoking, Self-Love and Love for Others, Sinus Issues, Weight Loss/ Obesity, Wine Patterns.
Before | After |
Could not pass 3rd day threshold when I quit. I tried cutting back. I tried chewing the gum and I just tried going cold Turkey. I would do okay till the third day and then it would be that. I just couldn't get past the third day. | I had my last cigarette the Saturday before I came. So I arrived here on a Sunday. I thought, okay, I'll be okay Sunday and Monday, but Tuesday is going to be a struggle because that is always the threshold. And I just breezed through it. It wasn't a problem at all. I haven't had any cravings, which really surprised me. |
Chain Smoking. I didn't usually smoke until the evening when I got home from work. That was my habit. I didn't have a problem during the day, But when the clock hit about five o'clock, that's when the cravings really began. | I'm happy that I made it for two weeks without any really rough, rough patches. And even the vitamin that, or the supplement that you gave, I think I only used it twice. Just when I was really feeling like, okay, I'm feeling a little edgy. And yeah, that seemed to, to help. And the other thing too, is you're so busy here at the program doing so many different things. There's not really time to think about it. |
Emotional issues (Self-Love) I came to realize that my biggest emotional problem was just having self-love and self-care. And, as many things, all things seem to, it stems back to your childhood and the things that you were raised with. So I've really come to feel confidence in myself and that people do care and people do love. And I'm working now forward, I'll be working on really believing that somebody can love me.e. | I feel emotionally I’ve let a lot of stuff go. Addressing the emotional issues, even though my main goal was to quit smoking, I think the main thing that's happened is my emotional well-being really helped me understand why I was doing the things I was doing for bad habits, using them as a way of escape. So even though my main goal was to quit smoking, I think the main thing that's happened is my emotional well-being. |
Lung congestion - I had a lot of congestion and sneezing. When I tried to quit before on my own, I would be still quite congested, sneezing quite a bit, coughing quite a bit. It would come in waves throughout the day. | This time I haven’t had any congestion. After starting the protocols and breathing exercises, everything just helped it clear... After the first probably two or three days into the program, I noticed a difference. And I think part of that was the non-smoking, of course, but also the steam baths, salt cocoon and doing the salt in the salt inhaler. That's part of the program. That seemed to really help clear the passageways and soothe them. They weren't feeling irritated. |
Extra weight | I lost 8 lbs and 6-7 inches. I didn’t think I would do it in two weeks. It feels like a little boost to keep the momentum going and moving my body again. |
Dry skin and skin blemishes | My skin is not so dry, and my face has cleared up quite a bit. It's not so blotchy as it was. |
Throat irritation. I was feeling a tickle all the time in my throat. I was constantly feeling like something was stuck there. | My throat is not irritated and there is a big improvement with this. |
Sleep Issues. I used to go to bed with cramps and waking up with them. | I do not have cramps- taking the supplements and sleep aid really helped. When I actually sleep, it is more restful. |
Flexibility. I’ve done a little bit at home of yoga, but not on a consistent basis. | I’m surprised at the range of motion that I gained in yoga just from the first week to the last day yesterday. A huge improvement! I can sit quite comfortably on the floor with my legs crossed. It’s not perfect, but it’s not as uncomfortable as it was before. Even the child pose got easier. I found I could bend down more. |
Knee pain – my knees were bothering me a bit | As the week finished, my knees are feeling much better. Getting up off the floor is much easier, for sure. I can sustain myself a lot more on the floor doing floor work on my knees, which I couldn’t to start with. |
Arthritis in the thumb – my biggest body pain was my hand. | That improved by 80%. I can’t believe the difference in that. We did a lot of work on that. |
Lower back pain- it was bothering me, especially my left side. It was a constant “thorn” in my side and it limited my range of movement. | That pain is just about all gone, that pain on my left side. It is a big improvement. |
Brain Fog. I had a lot of brain fog, felt sluggish, it was a struggle just getting through the day. It was a really debilitating thing for me. I would wake up every morning feeling that. | My mind feels clear. My eyes feel clear. Everything is clearer in my mind. I feel much more clarity. |
Low Energy | My energy level is way improved over when I first came. I feel that B-12 Shot helped. |
Sinuses congestion. I had a lot of congestion in my sinuses and my ears. | For the most part that’s gone. I have a little bit left in my ears. I am not sneezing, not having a runny nose and do not cough – nearly not as much as I used to. I feel a big improvement inside my head. |
Digestive issues: lack of appetite. I didn’t really have much of an appetite to start with. | My appetite has come back. I feel sometimes hungry during the day. |
Bloating – before I ate, I would feel a lot of bloating. | I haven’t experienced that so much on this diet. A little bit in the first couple of days. I think just due to the change in the way you’re eating. |
Nausea. I felt nauseas a lot after I ate. | That’s gone away. I’m not suffering with that anymore. |
Heartburn. I was getting acid reflux quite a bit. | I had acid reflux only a couple of times in the last two weeks. So that’s a lot better. I think that’s a contributing factor to sleeping better as well. Heartburn does not wake me up. |
Experience Highlights:
- Quitting smoking was relatively painless. And there’s really good support.
- Protocols get adjusted as needed so that you are getting more of what you might need to quit the habit.
- On my program, there were other people who also quit smoking. We really worked to support each other: how are you feeling, what are you doing, how are you doing with cravings, have you done this, have you done that, and we comp notices of what the different things we were each doing to get through the days. It made it easier.
- Emotional healing – I didn’t expect to get so deep so fast.
- I felt really accepted here, very cared for – with the staff and people in the group. It is a really safe place to be, where you can be vulnerable.
- Location: being right by the ocean. For me the ocean has always been a source of resetting myself. I spent a lot of time just sitting by the ocean and enjoying the sun and wildlife.
- Activities: Zumba, yoga and art classes – all were very relaxing and fun.
- Group Workshops: amazing and enlightening.
The information above is based on the following resources:
- Unedited Video Testimonial Materials
- Before and After Self-Assessment
- Program Participation and Progress Sheet
- Emotional Wellness Test
Disclaimer : Results of participants differ and the Fresh Start cannot guarantee that you will experience your improvements in the same way as in this testimonial. The Fresh Start is not an allopathic medical facility and does not claim to either diagnose or treat any disease. The Fresh Start does not guarantee a recovery from any specific disease or a health symptom.